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why fingers swell when walking

by 비타니 2023. 5. 8.


Fingers swelling during walking or other physical activities can be caused by several factors. Here are a few common reasons:


Vasodilation: During physical activity, your body increases blood flow to working muscles, which can cause blood vessels to expand or dilate. This process, called vasodilation, can lead to increased blood flow in the hands, resulting in temporary swelling.

why fingers swell when walking


Gravity: When walking, your arms typically hang at your sides, which can cause blood and other fluids to pool in your hands due to gravity. This can lead to swelling, especially if you walk for extended periods.


Hyponatremia: Drinking excessive amounts of water without replacing electrolytes, particularly sodium, can lead to a condition called hyponatremia or water intoxication. This dilutes the concentration of sodium in your blood, causing your body to retain water, which can lead to swelling in your fingers and other extremities.


why fingers swell when walking
why fingers swell when walking


Heat: High temperatures can cause your body to lose more fluids, which may lead to dehydration. This can cause your body to retain more water, leading to swelling in your fingers and other body parts.


Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as arthritis or lymphedema, can cause swelling in the fingers and other extremities during physical activity.


why fingers swell when walking


If finger swelling during walking becomes a recurring issue or is accompanied by other symptoms like pain or numbness, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and recommendations on how to manage the issue.

